
Welcome to Greg’s Maker Corner, Internet Site Edition!

Hopefully, you are familiar with my Youtube Channel, Greg’s Maker Corner. The focus of my content has been mostly centered around 3d printing, tinkering, making, and electronics projects. I tend to focus more on the technical, and “tinkering”/DIY aspect of things, explaining the “how”, but I also branch out from that on other topics and interests.

So why an Internet site? I really enjoy creating content “over there”- but at times I have felt limited. While I don’t tend to be long winded in my videos, I sometimes would like to go into a bit more detail that I think is better suited for the web or written content. So.. Welcome aboard! 

I hope you find value (eventually) and enjoy poking around here. Things are going to be sparse at the beginning, and as with with most things in life it’s going to take me time to build up my content.  I plan to make fairly regular progress and contributions. My YouTube videos will be the main focus of my content, but there will also most likely be some in depth pages / posts with more detail and insights. Thanks for stopping by- if you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to ping me:

* On Twitter @GregHuber

* Via Discord @Greg’s Maker Corner